Welcome to my blog. It may not be perfect, after all I'm not! I will share my successes and failures while working on my Family History and in Homeschooling my youngest son, Martin Jr(Boo).
My Family
Tuesday, December 4, 2012
Learning Tree Games
You see, my partner and I started creating and making learning games for subjects our sons were needing a little extra help with. It all started with our game, "The Great Space Race" after I had made a gameboard to help our nine year old autistic son with multiplication. After I created the game using a dinosaur themed board, my partner loved the idea and thought we could take the idea and create a game that just about any child would enjoy playing. I ended up thinking of ways the game could be used to practice addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division skills but that was pretty easy. We ended up changing the theme but that worked pretty well in the long run. We have created some decks of cards that can be used with the basic game board but the basic game is designed to be used with dice too. We have even created a deck of cards about the solar system that can also be used with the board so, it's not just a math game!
One thing my partner and I decided up front was that we wanted to keep all our products at a reasonable price since so much in homeschooling seems to cost not only an arm but also a leg! lol Most of our games are $5.00 or less and the decks are a buck or two. We even try to offer our products on sale as oftern as possible. In fact, we are planning to discount them after Christmas, some time in January.
Right now, we are working on our next game that should be available pretty soon. We thought a game to practice about US Geography would be helpful. The deck for the game has been created but when I had it printed, I found a minor problem that I should be able to fix fairly soon. My partner is working on the board now so we should be able to offer the game sometime between now and the end of January.
Well, that tells you about Learning Tree Games. Drop into the blog or our Facebook page to check us out or take a look at some of our games on Currclick.com
Thursday, November 8, 2012
Great Lapbook Deals
Holiday 2012 Package
$55.00 regular price $20.00 sale price!
Save: 64% off
It is available for a LIMITED time ONLY and in EBOOK format ONLY. This package includes all of the following ebooks in one file:
To view sample pages of each Activity Book or Lapbook, please vist the links by clicking on the book title.
*New Year’s Around the World Lapbook
*New Year’s Fun & Coloring Activity Book
*Valentine’s Day Lapbook
*Labor Day Lapbook
*History of Halloween Lapbook
*Halloween Activity Book
*Thanksgiving Lapbook
*Turkey Talk Activity Book
*Christmas Fun & Coloring Activity Book
*Christmas Symbols Lapbook
*Kwanzaa Lapbook
I would really like to get it although I don't know what I would do with one of the lapbooks that's included in the package. What is Kawanzaa all about anyway? lol I never even heard about it at all until maybe ten years ago but I did a little research and found it was first celebrated around 1966.
Another lapbook pack Knowledge Box Central is also offering is one about Ancient History. It's more within my price range right now so I might be able to swing getting it but I really wanted to let people know about it as soon as possible! Here's the information in case you would like to know more:
Ancient Egypt Lapbook
Ancient Egypt Mini-Lapbook
Ancient Egypt Notebooking Pages
Ancient Greece Lapbook
Ancient Greece Mini-Lapbook
Ancient Rome Lapbook
Ancient Rome Mini-Lapbook
Lastly, right now Hands of a Child is having a sale on their products they are selling through Currclick.com. A majority of them are half off while a few of them are a little better price and a few are a little less. I have been having my eye on a couple World History lapbooks and would love to be able to pick them up right now while they are on sale. We'll see!
Saturday, October 20, 2012
Great Homeschooling Internet Sites
General sites for homeschooling Resources
http://www.tes.co.uk/ lessons on various subjects
http://www.enchantedlearning.com/Home.html coloring pages & etc
*Currclick.com (some free stuff, some low cost, some expensive!)
http://teachers.net/gazette/AUG03/printable.html#moose Teachers Net PreK-12
http://www.teacherspayteachers.com Over 5,000 freebies but you have to sign up, products created by teachers
*http://www.amblesideonline.org/ free entire homeschool curriculum like Charlotte Mason K-12
*ww.brillkids.com resources for special needs, gifted and talented
http://www.senteacher.org/Files/ Downloadable pages for Math, using computers, science, communication, the Arts, and other areas.
http://www.melissaforney.com/blog/the-scoop Teacher blog
*http://allinonehomeschool.wordpress.com/ Entire Free Homeschool Program!
*http://oldfashionededucation.com/index.html Free Homeschool Curiculum, liturature and text books
Audiobooks http://www.allyoucanbooks.com/
***ebooks http://www.gutenberg.org/wiki/Main_Page Great site for classic books like Tom Sawyer, Alice in Wonderland, & Treasure Island!
ebooks (read on site) http://www.wegivebooks.org/books
http://www.meetpenny.com/2012/03/free-multiplication-worksheets-fact-cards-with-visual-cues/ multiplication worksheets
http://www.sheppardsoftware.com/math.htm Basic math concepts to pre-algebra games
http://myteacherpages.com/webpages/jgriffin/job.cfm Math Task Cards
http://www.makingmathmorefun.com/news.htm some free some have fee!
http://www.mcguffeysonlinetutor.com/ McGuffey Reader Weekly Newsletter
http://www.homeschoolcreations.com/preschoolalphabet.html PreK Learning Alphabet
http://www.historyplace.com/worldhistory/famine/ Limited, but good history link for making Power Point
http://www.historicaltruth101.com Great to bring history alive through interviews
middle ages
gladiator,mummy, exploring,whaling
ancient rome
pics for ancient Greece and Rome
kings,queens and castles
history and science
US History
Founding Fathers http://colonialhall.com/biodoi.php
www.AmericanHeritage.org (great curriculum for all grades from elementary through high school)
http://www.scholastic.com/ellisisland a vertual exploration of Ellis Island
Links for Presidents of US: http://www.socialstudiesforkids.com/subjects/uspresidents.htm
Native Americans
*** http://www.ri.net/schools/Glocester/WGES/Rsrcpgs/NA/page22.htm
*** http://www.ahsd25.k12.il.us/curriculum/nativeamericans/index.html
2nd Grade Lesson Plan http://aam.govst.edu/projects/kyoung/index.htm
Native American Pictures: http://memory.loc.gov/ammem/browse/ListSome.php?category=Native%20American%20History
7th Grade Lesson Plan http://www.wmsrivera.com/americans/native/americans.html
http://publications .usa.gov/ USAPubs.php? PubID=6099 - free poster showing how to
get to be the president
iCivics.org - several games to play to understand
government/laws/ bills/courtrooms
Kids.gov - several games and other links to help them understand more how things work
http://www.unitstud y.com/Elections_ Study.html
http://theopenmindacademy.weebly.com US geography work pages
http://geography.about.com/library/blank/blxusx.htm Blank US maps
http://education.nationalgeographic.com/education/mapping/outline-map/?ar_a=1 Map Blank Maker
http://www.socialstudiesforkids.com/subjects/mapsofcontinents.htm Continent Maps
Outline Map links
http://geography.about.com/cs/blankoutlinemaps/ (many links listed)
http://www.50states.com/maps/ (one for each state)
www.education.com I don't know how good this one is but it has been suggested to check it out.
www.spellingcity.com " " " "
Free Homeschool Materials (Notebook, lapbook, etc)
http://dynamic2moms.webs.com/ Lapbooks
http://www.staidenshomeschool.com/ Unit Studies
http://notebookingfairy.com/ Notebooking how tos
https://www.msu.edu/~carusosa/rainforest.htm Rainforest
http://www.neok12.com/ this site has science videos and games all free
http://www.starfall.com/ great site for beginning readers.
http://www.superchargedscience.com/lnc512-7.htm e-Science Activities & Experiments available for limited time!
http://www.kidsastronomy.com/ Great kids science site and astronomy
In spite of the "kids", there's stuff here for upper levels too - if you go
to Free Online Classes, there is a track for 12 and up.
Classical Music & Art
Biography of Beethoven: www.lvbeethoven.com/Bio/BiographyLudwig.html
Site dedicated to Beethoven: www.lucare.com/immortal
Free listening, videos, concerts: www.last.fm/music/Ludwig+van+Beethoven
Beethoven videos: http://video.search.yahoo.com/
Johannes Brahms free notebook store.confessionsofahomeschooler.com/index.php?main_page=product_info&cPath=70_76_77&products_id=258
world's greatest artists: Pablo Picasso, Vincent Van Gogh, Jackson Pollock, Claude Monet, Henry Matisse, Georgia O’keefe, Michelangelo, and Leonardo Da Vinci. If you are interested in this, follow this link:
http://store.confessionsofahomeschooler.com/index.php?main_page=product_info&cPath=70_76_78&products_id=194 may or may not be free!
http://www.composers.net/ A Music Glossary
http://www.lds.org/bible-videos/videos?lang=eng Bible videos
http://www.lds.org/media-library/video/new-testament-stories?lang=eng Children's New Testament Stories
http://www.lds.org/media-library/video/old-testament-stories?lang=eng Children's Old Testament Stories
http://www.currclick.com/index.php?manufacturers_id=624 Low cost learning games
Paper Crafts
http://marilee.us/paperdolls.html Paper Dolls
http://www.childrensrecipes.com/how_to_make_homemade_marshmallows.htm Homemade Marshmallows
Low Cost Homeschooling materials
http://edhelper.com/ some free stuff, but only costs $20 a year for full access. worth the money for K thru 8
*schoolexpress.com Unit Studies
Lapbook companies
ajourneythroughlearning.com sign up for newsletter and get free lapbook of their choice
HandsofaChild.com free quarterly lapbook and weekly $5 lapbooks
KnowledgeBoxCentral.com sign up for newsletter and get coupon good for $5 off purchase which means either your first one free or half off! All their lapbooks are either $5 or $10 each!
I know the list is pretty long, sorry about that but some of them I found and others have been passed on to me. After five years, you kind of end up finding a lot of sites if you are looking for things that can be helpful to you! I do hope it is helpful to you though. If anything, take a look at the sites with an *.
Wednesday, October 3, 2012
Our Son's Favorite Subjects
The company I bought the curriculum from is called Intellego Unit Studies. The materials were designed by a mother of a special needs child. I know my special needs son LOVES learning from the science and social studies portion of their curriculum. Each selection is usually broken into grades K-2, 3-5, and 6-8. The K-2 level tends to have more hands on activities so we have been using them although our son is actually ready for fourth grade work.He's more of a hands on learner and using manipulatives seems to help him learn a lot better than any other activity I have tried. I add additional materials, like lapbooks from Hands of a Child or Knowledge Box Central, we've even made a couple of our own. I also include games that I have found on Currclick.com or I have created myself. We've also made cookies in the shape of the states we have been studying too or an entire meal with dishes or foods from the state we are studying. There are so many things you can do to help a child learn a subject, you are only limited by your imagination, Intellego Unit Studies is a great starting point.
The way the program works, you download an eBook with instructions on how to use it. Each lesson is pretty short, most of the time we are done in about half an hour. There are pages to print out for the student to either fill in or draw pictures. Instructions about what is being taught and how to go about doing it. Lastly, there are links to click on to take you directly to internet sites that will teach a child about each subject. Those links can be anything from short reading assignments, games, or videos. Many times, we end up playing the games several times or finding and watching several videos associated with what is being taught.
Believe it or not, I have already picked up our next eBooks for our next classes when they were on sale about a month ago. That way, when we finish what we are studying now, we will be ready to go on to our next ones. We will be learning about maps then world geography for social studies. The animal kingdom then living things for science. Sooner or later we will advance up to higher grade level sooner or later and I'm sure the higher grade eBooks will study the subjects more in depth or from a different perspective.
Wednesday, June 20, 2012
Lapbook Prices and the Election Process
At least I didn't waste my money though. I'm using the lapbook to introduce our 9 year old son to the presidential election process and this has been a fun way to do it. While he and I play one of the games, I talk to him about how important it is to vote. How important each vote can be. How important it is to find out on our own what each person who is trying to become president is like and what that person thinks is important. For instance, one person may think homeschooling shouldn't be an option or that a person shouldn't be allowed to own a gun in their home. Maybe they do or don't think abortions should be allowed except for certain circumstances. There so many different things a person can have an opinion about. There are some that I may have in common and others that I won't have in common with all of these people who want to become president. To me, it's more important to decide which of these issues are more important than others and to find the person who believes as closely as possible but I'll probably never find someone who has the exact beliefs on all issues as I do.
This lapbook is allowing our son and I to have so many fantastic conversations! I'm just using it as a springboard into learning about our presidents. just think, we can continue using the lapbook throughout our study. Now, to find the right lapbook to help learn about the Presidents of the United States! I know at least some of what I want in it but other parts will just be a bonus. Kind of like a lapbook I want to find to help learn about our solar system, I still haven't found just the one I want after looking for so many months. Maybe I just need to find one close to what I want and just add what I want to it. lol
Wednesday, June 13, 2012
Try, Try Again
Try, Try Again
Our nine year old son is diagnosed with autism and reading delay. We often have to try one thing after another after another before we find just the right thing that clicks for our son. Sometimes, we have to make something of our own design or change up something we already have to fit our needs.
Our biggest challenge has been finding the right reading program. First we tried to teach our son to read using phoenics, both him and I were near tears every day we worked on learning to read. Next, we bought an expensive program that seemed to work at first but after about a month, our son wasn't making any more advances. We tried just about everything and even called the company we had bought the program from to ask for help but nothing was clicking anymore! After seeking advice from other homeschoolers, I still hadn't found the answers I needed and then I remembered my mother showing me a book that had belonged to my grandmother that she had used to learn to read with. Ever hear about the McGuffey Readers? I found them available to download for free on the internet and although he's still having problems from time to time and unsure about his reading abilities, our son is making advances in his reading. I just refused to stop trying something until I found what worked.
We also hit a stumbling block with math as well. A few months ago, our son was having a horrible time learning multiplication. We started with his math curriculum which up until then, he had been doing great with. We tried picking up workbooks about multiplication but they didn't help either. Finally, an idea came to me. I had our son dig out a bunch of his small toys, dinosaurs, toy soldiers, cars, you name it. I also brought out our dry erase board and drew circles on it with an equal sign and a large circle. I wrote a problem at the top of the board and using the toys as manipulatives, showed him how to work out the problem. We did another problem and on the third problem, a lightbulb suddenly went on and he was helping me work out his math problems. You've been there, it was one of those ah ha moments when you know you have reached your child.
Once he understood how to multiply, I knew I couldn't just stop working with him on his multiplication. I did some thinking, some reading, and some internet surfing. Finally, after reading an article, I had an ah ha moment of my own. Our son loves to play games and one day he was begging to play one. After playing, I had the idea of making a game to practice his multiplication. I had a couple trial and errors while trying to figure out a game but finally I had it figured out and with his help, we made a game. Of course, it had to have a dinosaur theme since he's crazy about them. Thank goodness I do scrapbooking so I had all the supplies I needed except stickers for the spaces and we took about a week off most of our studies to make the game but now he was begging me to practice his math! It was just finding the right format to use and he was practicing multiplication.
I learned something, our son learns a subject better or maybe easier if I can encorporate a game into his learning. The games let us take a break from his usual studies and helps him learn although he just thinks he's playing a game. What's really nice about it is that he's still learning but we're both more relaxed, he's learning, and there's no pressure. I've found a few games that have worked for him just as they are designed and sometimes I've had to change a game around a little to fit his needs. When I haven't been able to find a game related to our studies, I get my creative juices flowing and see if I can create one that will help with what he's learning about. Sometimes it works and sometimes it doesn't but that doesn't mean that I give up, it just means that I have to get a little more creative and keep on trying to find just the right way to reach him. I may have to take an occaisional break myself and sometimes I've found that if I give him a chance, he will lead the way to finding a solution to what we need. Just because he has a special need doesn't mean that he can't come up with a really great idea for his own homeschooling.
Just remember, you never know what you try today may help your child. It could be something you tried a while ago that didn't work then, maybe a week ago, or it could be something you hear about tomorrow. It never hurts to try something whether it's new or old or whether it's just new to your child and a big price tag doesn't guarantee that it's the product that will fit your needs. Just remember to try, try again you never know when something may work!
Wednesday, May 9, 2012
Thinking of Mother's
Well, since my oldest grandchild was born, I've thought of finding a book like my mother's to fill out. I've finally found something! It's from Knowledge Box Central, called "Grandmother's Virtues Lapbook" for a really great price and I'm actually looking forward to making one for each of them. I also plan on sending a copy to his adopted grandmother although I'm not sure she'll be able to really fill in all the booklets since she's not really related to us but I'm sure I can do something. What I'm also planning to do is see if I can use it with the books for my older boys to make one for our youngest about my mother. Once I get it done, I'll post about it with pictures to show my finished product! I think I should be able to work with it to make a really special gift for him with this great lapbook. After all, if I can't come up with information to fill it out, I won't have to leave blank booklets. I can just leave that booklet out! I love it for that reason since there must be at least one page in each one of the books my mother never filled out! lol At least the ones I put together will all be filled out.
Thursday, April 26, 2012
We've also loaded all four of our decks that can be used with The Great Space Race. Depending on whether people want to work on addition, subtraction, multiplication, or division there is a deck for their needs. I also was able to figure out an additional mini game to go along with all the decks except the division deck. I hope to eventually figure out a game to go with it too.
Now, we are working on two more game boards to more apply to the interests of the children than to create more games. One will be "Princess" themed and the other will be "dinosaur" themed but basically the same game as our Great Space Race. We are also working on several other items at this time though. We are working on another deck to go with the Space Race but, it's going to be Space or Solar System themed. We are also working on something to learn about Native Americans. We are also working on a game to help children work on spelling words. Lastly, I have an idea for a game to learn about the history of the Latter Saint Church. These items are listed in the order they should be completed.
What would be nice is to hear from customers about games that would help them with their children. Maybe a topic or subject they are studying and can't find something to help them teach that subject or topic to their children. At this point, we've been creating things we can use with our sons but, there are bound to be items like them out there already. I haven't found some of them but, there's bound to be items out there.
One thing we are trying to do is make our games affordable to people since one thing we have found while looking for something we could use to homeschool our sons is that almost everything out there we find is just soooo expensive!
Thursday, February 16, 2012
Our New Business!
We named ourselves that because we want to try to make most of our products games. At least I've found that our son learns better when what he's learning about has a game of some sort to suppliment his other learning. We have an idea for the logo, my partner is working on it right now.
We have gotten back the answers from our testers, I've made some changes to the directions on how to play it. Now, as soon as the logo is finished, we'll be ready to send the first game to Currclick. Here's what the finished game board looks like. Now, I'm making some cards to go with it that will cover harder math problems than 6+6 or 6x6. I also want to make some cards that will cover questions about the solar system too.
Friday, January 20, 2012
A Bussines Being Born?
Anyway, what's the business going to be about? A friend of mine and I want to try design, make, and sell learning games. How did we come up with the idea? It started a few months ago when our son was having problems understanding how to do multiplication. After trying several ways to teach him how to multiply, he finally got it! So, now I needed to come up with a way for him to practice his multiplication skills. How did I do it? I created a game board. If you know our son, you know his interest in dinosaurs, so I made a game board with a dinosaur theme.
I met my friend through the internet, she had contacted me, asking me for help and advice about homeschoooling. Her husband was resistant about her homeschooling her son but, he finally let her start and from what I understand, she and her son are doing well. When I sent her a picture of the game board I had made for Martin, she liked it so much that she suggested that we try making and selling them. Once we had decided to start, it was slow starting.
I think we have split up our business pretty evenly, so far I've come up with the basic idea for each of the game boards, then she does the graphics, I write the directions for putting the game boards together and how to play the game. We have made two game boards so far, a space themed game board and a letter blending game. We have sent them out to our game testers a couple weeks ago and now, we are anxiously waiting for them to return their opinions of them!
So, now we're almost ready to start selling our game boards. We've decided the name of our company is going to be Learning Tree Games and to start, we're going to sell our games only through Currclick.com
So, wish us luck!