My Family

My Family

Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Writing about Kinetic Learning

     I'm happy to pass on some good news, well I think it's good news! lol I've written about our son being a kinetic learner and I was talking to someone about how I've had to create a few things while homeschooling our son because of his learning style. The woman I talked to about it is associated with "The Old Schoolhouse Magazine" and she's asked me to write a column on their website that is associated with the magazine. The column is being called Kinetic Connections, I had wanted it to be
called Kinetic Konnections but with it being associated with homeschooling she felt it wouldn't be appropriate to have one of the words in the title spelled wrong. I guess I see her point so it really doesn't bother me too much. I'm also excited and nervous at the same time. Excited about being asked to write a column but nervous about being able to come up with a theme for an article and write it on a weekly basis! It actually isn't as bad as I thought it was going to be because I guess I write so much that they have broken up my first two articles into installments for this month and next so I guess my only big concern is to come up with ideas for each article.
     So far, I've been writing a couple articles for each subject we've been working on with our son. That will only work for so long though. There aren't that many different subjects you can teach a child, at least until they get to high school. We won't be working on high school subjects for a while though. I've covered math and geography in my column so far and I'm working on an article about early learning next. Probably teaching a child their alphabet and numbers.
     I think I'll also post my articles here in my blog, unless the magazine has a problem with my doing it. Who knows, maybe some of my ideas will not only help other homeschoolers who are teaching a kinetic learner, but also children who have other learning styles. If anyone who reads my blog also homeschools a child who is a kinetic learner, I would love to hear from you if you have anything I can make any suggestions about. I like to help people if I can and I've always been pretty creative too.
If you subscribe to The Old Schoolhouse Magazine, here's a link about my articles: